Pink Torch
Growing out of a truly dark past, the pink triangle is a symbol of overcoming: fighting for justice and equality, and beaming with pride. Whether you've been carrying the torch for 50 years, or you picked it up last week, you are part of one history, one movement,
and one force for love.
Pride is a gift we pass down from generation to generation, as is the responsibility to fight for our rights. And so passes Pink Torch,
from hand to hand, and heart to heart.
Happy Pride, San Francisco! We love you ❤️
Pink Torch Rally Schedule 6/1/21 Tue
Oakland 12-3:30 pm
San Francisco 5-8:30 pm
Grand Lighting: Illuminate The Pink Triangle 9:00 pm
As full-time artists with perennially modest income, the pandemic hit us especially hard. Nonetheless, San Francisco's famous Pink Triangle is a labor of love, so we chose to donate Torch, both time and materials.
If you enjoy our work, and want to help us keep going, we'd be grateful to have your financial support.
June 23, 2020
Illuminate The Pink Triangle for SF Pride - SHACK15
"for the first time there will also be a Pink Torch, a new tradition and piece of art that will “light” the piece during the ceremony."

Kelly Costello