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Support Art

Looking Up makes community-centric public art for the world.

We are a community of volunteers, artists, makers, and doers. Donations go to materials and occasional professional labor, like welding.

We have been supported by charitable donations since 2017, and none of our projects would be possible without support from generous folk like you.

We are a US 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, so donations may be tax deductible for those who pay tax in the US. EIN 82-5362991.

Facebook users can also create a fundraiser to gather donations from friends and family. Presto chango birthday wishes into blinky lights!

We also gratefully accept employer matching of donations using Beneveity.

To help with tax preparation in the United States, we send annual summary receipts every January to donors over 250 USD, or smaller donors upon request.

Patreon Supporters

Can B.


Cody S.

Elizabeth S.

Gayla S.

Hoss M.

Manasa V.

Narek A.

Sarah K.

Seth S.

Susan K.

Susanna M.

Uma C.


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